Friday, 14 March 2014

New stuff and that

I suppose you want to know what awesome things we've been doing with our green screen. Well frankly that's none of your business, but I will say that as well as the sketch in which a nameless interviewer interviewed an art critic that we'd just put out the last time we bothered to write anything on this blog, we've also done a sketch in which a nameless interviewer interviews a footballer

and a sketch in which a nameless interviewer interviews a moon landing conspiracy nutter.

As you can see, we've embraced this technology that allows us to produce pretty much any sketch we can think of, and used it to produce three that are almost identical.

Forgive Me Father continues, of course, and is hurtling towards its gripping finale - honestly, it's a good one, you won't be disappointed, unless you've got your heart set on it all being a dream in which case you're in for a bitter blow. And there are only two episodes left, so if you haven't even started watching it yet, this would be a good time to start. I've given you the link, I can't make it easier than that.

"I'm not watching three and a half hours of your face with only your word that it's any good," is probably what you're thinking. Well, now you can have someone else's word, because it's only gone and had a review! A proper one on a proper website and everything! Go and read it now. Did you read it? Did you read the bit that said it's "genuinely gripping and Goodway’s heartfelt performance is frankly touching"? Yes, I thought you'd like that bit.

And that's all that's happened.

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