Sunday, 2 March 2014

Going green

Two whole weeks we've left you bereft of blog posts! It's terribly cruel, I know, and probably violates the Geneva Convention, and we should be ashamed (we're not) but we've been busy filming wonderful new things for you. We even spent actual money and bought a green screen, so now our sketches can have more interesting backgrounds than a wall! Look, here it is:

You see? You didn't believe me, and now you look like a fool! Unless you did believe me, in which case you just look normal. Now I come to think about it I'm not sure why you wouldn't. Anyway, it has greatly improved our capabilities. If you want to see the difference - and I don't know why you would, but it's a clever way of segueing into showing you our new sketches so let's pretend you do - here's the last one we put out before we got the green screen:

And here's the first one we've put out since:

Money well spent, I'm sure you'll agree. Of course you will, it wasn't your money.

Meanwhile, Forgive Me Father continues and is getting very close to its spectacular finale. If you aren't up to date, you should probably go and catch up with all the episodes at the Forgive Me Father website. Do it. Do it now! Then you should probably tell your friends about it. And your enemies. And random people you see in the street. It's fine, they won't think you're a weirdo or anything.

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