They say it was his abuse that cause them to block him, they
say that he is possibly ‘spam’ – I cannot confirm if this is true, if Simon
Goodway really is just… spam… but even so, DOES HIS LIFE COUNT FOR NOTHING!?!?!
Facebook have taken him away… his life, his drawings, the
photos he took of himself dressed as a woman, they say I can’t speak to him… he
hasn’t even been allowed a phone call!! NOT EVEN A STATUS UPDATE!
How can I procrastinate now?
I don’t know what they are doing to him, all I know is that
where he once was there is nothing now but a void.
I don’t know if I will be next, I’m waiting for the knock on
the door… its all I can do… wait.
But I’m letting you know! YOU! You precious people of the
world! If you know the treachery, the violations inherent in the system then
you can do something about it!
Rebel! Violate their violations!
Simon has been taken from us, simply for sharing an image
from this web-series:
By watching, and even sharing this web-series perhaps you
can make sure his sacrifice was not in vain….